Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Poll on RHEL - Network as Code

Xyna Bulletin #13

Dear friends, partners and customers of Xyna,

We are currently wondering whether we should include Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in the supported base of our commercial build Professional. That's why we're launching a survey in this newsletter - we'd like to know your opinion.

Otherwise, we are already in the starting blocks for Copenhagen: the big TM Forum conference, dtw Ignite! is taking place in June, and we will be there.

Have fun reading!

Best regards from Mainz,
Alexander & Philipp

Xyna GmbH
Dr. Alexander Ebbes / Philipp Dominitzki

PS: Do you know colleagues who are also interested in Xyna? Then please pass it on! A short answer with contact details to is enough. However, if you are not interested, a short email will suffice and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Poll: Support von RHEL

We currently support the Linux distributions Ubuntu and Oracle Linux in Professional. From the role of a developer, this was a plausible choice: both are considered developer-friendly in the community, in the sense of: very flexible and only a few or no restrictions on the packages.

On the other hand, there are commercial distributions such as Red Hat: much more restrictive in terms of packages and their version numbers. Mostly with the intention of offering a particularly stable platform --- and this can sometimes be at the expense of liberalness.

RHEL has now established itself as an important (dominant?) player in the world of Linux distributions, especially for mission-critical systems, and we are therefore wondering (also in response to acute customer requests) whether we should not add it to the supported base.

(... one should tolerantly overlook the fact that Red Hat itself contributes almost nothing to further development, but relies on the free community work of the Fedora project / a worthy commercial move by the IBM subsidiary)

What do you think - do you think Red Hat is important? Or maybe even a completely different distribution? Write to us (either directly or to, we look forward to your feedback!

Network as code :: Xyna at the TM Forum in June

... is not what Hans-Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid said, but she should have!

In a few weeks' time, we will be presenting our NETWORK AS CODE vision together with Deutsche Telekom at the TM Forum Digital Transformation World (dtw) in Copenhagen.

Of course, we have the latest version of Xyna with us - including XyPilot, XyBot and Xyna OAS App, the new extension for easy handling / governance of OAS-based interfaces, such as the TM Forum Open APIs.

If you haven't booked anything yet: it's about time. We look forward to seeing everyone who visits us at our stand (Booth 236, Hall C2). The Bella Center is also only a 1:45h walk across Amagerfælledvej from the Little Mermaid statue.

And if you would like to experience the new features of Xyna live and in color, just get in touch with us.

If you would like to know more, please contact us at any time or send us an e-mail