AI-Driven Hyper­automation for Critical Infra­structures

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Model-oriented and order-driven - our workflow platform

Modeling instead of programming

We are a German company that focuses on software-defined, digital innovations for large packet-based networks. We are passionate about developing high-quality complete software solutions for some of the largest telecommunications companies with the aim of revolutionizing the world of communication and networking.

Telco Automation

The digital architect of technical processes

We pour our know-how about large packet-based networks and corresponding products into software with the help of the Xyna Factory.

Xyna Factory

Less Programming — More Engineering

Model-oriented and order-driven - our workflow platform

The Xyna Factory, our central product, is designed as a configuration platform for automation processes. Complex processes are broken down into technical sub-processes using the Xyna Factory to develop large infrastructures. Attractive graphical workflow models and event-based architecture allow quick and easy handling.

  • Any Service, Any Device, Any Protocol
  • Visual Service Engineering
  • Dynamic events — dynamic processes
  • Meeting the highest requirements
  • Collaborative
  • Fractal factory