Monday, May 27, 2024

Copenhagen, here we come! TM Forum 2024

Xyna Bulletin #10

Dear customers, partners and friends,

Time flies, January is almost over again - we hope you had a relaxing time and were able to start 2024 in good health. For GIP and Xyna, we look forward to exciting events, interesting developments and seeing old and new friends again.

Another old companion is the Telemanagement Forum, whose standards accompanied us back in the 00s and early 10s. In the meantime, the focus of our projects had shifted somewhat - but with ODA/ODF and especially the Open APIs, our activities have recently been increasingly influenced again. We have been an official member of the TM Forum again since January 9, 2024 - and will also be attending its main event this year, the Digital Transformation World (dtw) in Copenhagen in June.

The year will be a multifaceted one, and we would be delighted if you remained loyal to our Bulletin newsletter. We promise you only relevant, interesting (and sometimes amusing) content!

Best regards from Mainz,
Alexander & Philipp

Xyna GmbH
Dr. Alexander Ebbes / Philipp Dominitzki

PS: Do you know colleagues who are also interested in Xyna? Then please pass it on! A short answer with contact details to is enough. However, if you are not interested, a short email will suffice and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Xyna ✕ TM Forum ✕ Open APIs

We have been an official member of the industry association TM Forum again since January 9, 2024. Now consisting of over 800 large and small companies. Providers, infrastructure vendors, software suppliers, etc.

In addition to the Shared Information Data (SID) and enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) frameworks, which have existed for many years and have been updated and adapted time and again, the triumvirate of ODF, ODA and, in particular, Open APIs have played a leading role in recent years. And ultimately also in our projects with Xyna Factory.

The idea behind Open APIs is to standardize data exchange and processes between IT systems in a loosely coupled architecture using predefined object structures to such an extent that the virtual functional landscape structured in the Open Digital Architecture (keyword NFV) can be implemented both within a provider and across companies.

Sounds fancy and is also a really good approach that has rightly found many friends. However, in projects - as always - the task of concrete mapping to the existing reality remains. And as a rule, this reality consists not only of perfectly idealized applications of the latest generation, but also of applications of different generations.

And even if syntactic interface conformity in the direction of hypermesh / microservices can still be established relatively easily at the outer edge (via the Open APIs or other API frameworks) - the semantic mapping of different object structures to one another (the "mapping") so that processes function across applications generally remains a manual task.

And this is exactly where we come in with the latest version of Xyna: with the kind support of our partner Deutsche Telekom, we have renovated and added a number of functions for managing OAS-based interfaces (OpenAPI Specification, i.e. REST-based http APIs such as the TM Forum Open APIs). This form of visual mapping already existed in earlier versions of the Xyna Factory, e.g. for SNMP mappings.

The new functions for simple import and API governance not only significantly simplify the technical implementation of the interfaces. But also the use of the content transported via the API in the Xyna workflows.

If you want to see this for yourself, either download the latest version of Xyna from GitHub - or simply contact us. Our free cloud platform XCCE ( Community Edition) also already has the new functions.

And finally, as a small review and outlook in equal measure: the legendary TM Forum Management World conferences in Dublin and Nice are now a long time ago. How young you can be 😱

We will continue this tradition this year! You can find us as an exhibitor at the Digital Transformation World (dtw) in Copenhagen!

Safe the Date!

More on this in the bulletins in the coming months. We are preparing exciting things behind the scenes - and are already looking forward to sharing them with you.

If you would like to know more, please contact us at any time or send us an e-mail.