Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Network as Code – Xyna on dtw ignite, Xyna Zeta: Angular 17 support

Xyna Bulletin #12

Dear friends, partners and customers of Xyna,

This time it's particularly exciting: the TM Forum in June is taking shape, and we're in illustrious company! Together with Deutsche Telekom we will give a lecture on the topic of “Network as Code”, embedded in the session “Building an Open API-driven Architecture”. Take out your credit cards and buy a ticket, seats are running out! ;-)

...we still have a few places available on our guest list for particularly dear friends. Get in touch.

For those interested in technology, we have some good news in the second part of the newsletter: Xyna Zeta now supports Angular 17.

Have fun reading!

Best regards from Mainz,
Alexander & Philipp

Xyna GmbH
Dr. Alexander Ebbes / Philipp Dominitzki

PS: Do you know colleagues who are also interested in Xyna? Then please pass it on! A short answer with contact details to bulletin@xyna.com is enough. However, if you are not interested, a short email will suffice and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Network as Code – Xyna on dtw ignite

The Telemanagement Forum (TM Forum) has been an established authority in the world of telecommunications IT for many years (almost decades). Frameworks like eTOM or SID are legendary and have been supplemented in recent years with new approaches such as the Open Digital Framework (ODF) or the Open APIs.

We have also been loyal participants for many years and have been to the conferences in Nice and Dublin. We are now looking forward to once again contributing a lecture when the world of telecommunications gathers in Copenhagen in June for the next big class reunion.

Here are a few keywords that the TM Forum uses to describe itself, in case the boss doesn't want to let you go:

  • 79% of all attendees are managers or above
  • 10 out of 10 of the largest global operators will be there
  • 75% of past visitors rated the quality of the event as excellent or good.

Alexander will give our lecture “Network as Code” together with Dr. Peter Marenbach. He is a solution architect in the Telekom IT department at our valued customer and partner, Deutsche Telekom.

In the lecture we will jointly present the idea of a TMF Open API-based production chain for network services. The Open APIs are a collection of pre-structured interface agreements between functional building blocks of a Telco OSS landscape (Assurance, Trouble Ticketing, Activation, ...). The highlight of our approach is an innovative, self-learning approach that makes it possible to automatically incorporate new network functions into the ordering chain. The goal is intent-based networking, i.e. a software (code) controlled network of flexibly combinable components.

So: book a ticket – come by – listen to the lecture – visit the GIP trade fair stand 😊

... and if that's not enough to justify a trip to Copenhagen: it's also home to the world's largest collection of unopened beer bottles (in the Carlsberg Brewery Museum).

Xyna Zeta: Angular 17 support

Even though Xyna is often used for fully automated scenarios, there was and still is often a need to create an individual user interface (frontend) for a Xyna-based application. For example, to supplement manual, non-automatable steps in the process, to enable research and inventory insights, or to visualize the status of orders.

The first versions of Xyna Zeta has been around for several years: a GUI framework that is very closely linked to the Xyna workflows and enables the realization of adaptive, partially generated front ends via “workflow-defined UI”.

A core technology of Xyna Zeta is Angular. Angular is a web application framework based on the TypeScript programming language. The open source community around Angular is still largely led by Google. Since 2014, there has been about one major release per year, with many versions serving more as maintenance and continuous adaptation to new web standards.

Angular 17 was released in November 2023 - and catapulted the framework significantly forward in a number of dimensions. Google describes the step as an “Angular Renaissance”, and because the release was so important, there was also a new logo:

We don't want to go into too many details here - but with the integration of Angular 17, existing and future Xyna Zeta applications benefit from a number of interesting advantages:

  • Improved performance: Angular 17 offers improved loading times and responsiveness through optimizations in the framework and compiler, which benefits both users and developers.
  • Stricter type security: Advanced type checking and better TypeScript support make applications more robust and secure. Errors can be identified earlier, making maintenance and teamwork easier.
  • Advanced developer tools: New CLI features, improved debugging options, and optimized configurations improve the developer experience and speed up the development process.
  • Growing Ecosystem: The “Angular Renaissance” also features a vibrant ecosystem and an engaged community that offers a wealth of resources, libraries, and support.

Conclusion: Angular 17 sets new standards in the efficiency and versatility of web development, supported by a strong community and an expanded ecosystem. Just right for Xyna!

If you would like to know more, please contact us at any time or send us an e-mail.