GIP wird Mitglied im TM Forum / dtw 2024 Copenhagen

🇺🇸 English Version

GIP Exyr GmbH tritt dem TM Forum bei und stärkt damit ihre führende Position in der digitalen Transformation der Telekommunikation

Die GIP Exyr GmbH ist dem renommierten Branchenverband TM Forum beigetreten. Diese Entscheidung unterstreicht unser Engagement für Qualitätsstandards und Innovationsführerschaft. Die Integration von Standards wie den TM Forum Open APIs gewinnt in den komplexen verteilten Systemlandschaften, in denen die GIP Exyr GmbH tätig ist, zunehmend an Bedeutung. Sie bieten einen Rahmen für interoperable und effiziente Systeme, was in der Entwicklung von anspruchsvollen OSS-Anwendungen auf Basis von Xyna Factory von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.

tmforum Member

"Durch die Mitgliedschaft im TM Forum wollen wir unser Alignment zu Branchenstandards stärken — ohne die Flexibilität und Integrationsstärke der Workflow-basierten Automatisierung mit Xyna aus dem Blick zu verlieren ", erklärt Dr. Alexander Ebbes, Geschäftsführer der GIP Exyr GmbH. "Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem TM Forum ermöglicht es uns, Best Practices zu teilen, von den Erfahrungen anderer Mitglieder zu lernen und aktiv an der Gestaltung von zukünftigen Standards teilzunehmen."

Die GIP Exyr GmbH wird sich als Aussteller auch auf der Digital Transformation World (dtw) im Juni 2024 präsentieren. Die Messe bietet eine ideale Plattform, um die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen im Bereich der digitalen Transformation zu präsentieren und mit anderen Branchenexperten in Kontakt zu treten.

tmforum dtw - 18-20 June 2024 Copenhagen

Die Standards des TM Forum, insbesondere die Open Digital Architecture (ODA), die Open APIs oder auch Shared Information and Data (SID), bieten zahlreiche Vorteile für Unternehmen, die sich in der Telekommunikations- und Digitalbranche engagieren. Die Standards fördern Interoperabilität zwischen verschiedenen Systemen und Plattformen und bieten einen Rahmen, der die Entwicklung und Implementierung neuer Technologien und Dienstleistungen beschleunigt.

Die Teilnahme an der Digital Transformation World unterstreicht das Engagement der GIP Exyr GmbH für kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung und zeigt, dass das Unternehmen auf dem Weg ist, eine Schlüsselrolle in der digitalen Transformation der Telekommunikation einzunehmen.

TM Forum is an association of over 800 member companies generating US$2 trillion in revenue and serving five billion customers across 111 countries. A global alliance of telco and tech companies, TM Forum is leading the industry in defining the building blocks for new operating models, impactful new partnerships, and advanced software platforms. TM Forum helps its members unlock the value of data to create nearly endless opportunities for players across the communications ecosystem. At DTW — Ignite, Accelerate and Collaboration events, TM Forum provides a platform for industry change-makers to share groundbreaking innovation, market developments, product launches and business transformation journeys. TM Forum is the only industry body to count the world's top 10 CSPs and all the key hyperscalers as active, strategic members. TM Forum and its members are on a mission to reinvent the telco industry as a vibrant part of the digital landscape — and a driving force in shaping its future.

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Dienstag, 16. Januar 2024

GIP becomes a member of the TM Forum / dtw 2024 Copenhagen

🇩🇪 Deutsche Version

GIP Exyr GmbH joins the TM Forum and strengthens its leading position in the digital transformation of telecommunications

GIP Exyr GmbH has joined the renowned industry association TM Forum. This decision underlines our commitment to quality standards and innovation leadership. The integration of standards such as the TM Forum Open APIs is becoming increasingly important in the complex distributed system landscapes in which GIP Exyr GmbH operates. They provide a framework for interoperable and efficient systems, which is crucial in the development of sophisticated OSS applications based on Xyna Factory. importance.

tmforum Member

"By becoming a member of the TM Forum, we want to strengthen our alignment with industry standards - without losing sight of the flexibility and integration strength of workflow-based automation with Xyna," explains Dr. Alexander Ebbes, Managing Director of GIP Exyr GmbH. "Working with the TM Forum allows us to share best practices, learn from the experiences of other members and actively participate in shaping future standards."

GIP Exyr GmbH will also be exhibiting at Digital Transformation World (dtw) in June 2024. The trade fair offers an ideal platform to present the latest developments and innovations in the field of digital transformation and to get in touch with other industry experts.

tmforum dtw - 18-20 June 2024 Copenhagen

The TM Forum standards, in particular the Open Digital Architecture (ODA), the Open APIs or Shared Information and Data (SID), offer numerous advantages for companies involved in the telecommunications and digital industry. The standards promote interoperability between different systems and platforms and provide a framework that accelerates the development and implementation of new technologies and services.

Participation in Digital Transformation World underlines GIP Exyr GmbH's commitment to continuous development and shows that the company is on its way to playing a key role in the digital transformation of telecommunications.

TM Forum is an association of over 800 member companies generating US$2 trillion in revenue and serving five billion customers across 111 countries. A global alliance of telco and tech companies, TM Forum is leading the industry in defining the building blocks for new operating models, impactful new partnerships, and advanced software platforms. TM Forum helps its members unlock the value of data to create nearly endless opportunities for players across the communications ecosystem. At DTW — Ignite, Accelerate and Collaboration events, TM Forum provides a platform for industry change-makers to share groundbreaking innovation, market developments, product launches and business transformation journeys. TM Forum is the only industry body to count the world's top 10 CSPs and all the key hyperscalers as active, strategic members. TM Forum and its members are on a mission to reinvent the telco industry as a vibrant part of the digital landscape — and a driving force in shaping its future.

Learn more at

Tuesday, 16. January 2024
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